White Paper: What are the key trends in customer experience for 2023?

Camille Basso
Camille Basso
January 19, 2024
10 min.
White Paper: What are the key trends in customer experience for 2023?

In 2023, customer experience has become a key differentiator for companies. Meghan Keaney Anderson, vice-president of Hubspot and CMO of the Wanderlust Group, states that "all the [technical tools] in the world cannot have a greater impact than a successful customer experience". 

A recent Forbes survey confirms this idea, with 74% of consumers saying they are ready to make a purchase based solely on their customer experience. However, their expectations are constantly evolving, and companies need to understand CX trends in order to meet them. 

Thus, what should e-commerce platforms be focusing on to improve the user experience?

- Prioritising predictive analysis

- Improving the on-site search

- Optimising interactions with users

- From digital-first to digital end-to-end

- Transparency over data

To find out more, read our White Paper on 5 key trends in customer experience in 2023.

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