How can we trigger the buying impulse on grocers' sites and apps?

Camille Basso
Camille Basso
January 23, 2024
How can we trigger the buying impulse on grocers' sites and apps?

As we saw in a recent article, only 6% of impulse purchases are made through online shopping orders. In-store, however, this percentage rises to 20%.1. Similarly, data collected by Contensquare reveal that 80% of purchases on Drive sites are routine.2. For consumers, the margin for impulse products is therefore very high. In physical stores, the impulse to buy can come from point-of-sale displays, product tastings or special offers in dedicated aisles. But how can we trigger the buying impulse on groceries sites and apps?

On-shelf advertising 

In order to trigger impulse buying, the addition of on-shelf advertising is an unavoidable lever for retailers. Whether in the form of "native advertising" or contextual ads, personalized to the user, they are essential for dramatizing the impulse to buy for the consumer. In effect, they are the virtual counterpart of in-store display units, effectively attracting the attention of Internet users. This type of advertising, promoted in particular by retail media, could alone account for sales of €128 million by 2022.3. These figures speak volumes about the importance for retailers of developing this format on their eCommerce platforms.

The importance of the search site

Search functions and product listings are an essential part of the Drive site impulse. A Bascule study shows that 70.3% of users access product categories via the tree structure, and 25.5% via the search bar. use the tree structure to access categories, 25.5% use the search bar.4. In these privileged spaces, retailers and brands can trigger impulse by purchasing keywords, defining products more precisely or offering more attractive visuals. Similarly, retailers can dramatize the impulse by adding sponsored links to their search engines. This retail media format alone generated €256 million in 2022.3

On a Drive site, 70.3% of users access product categories via the tree structure and 25.5% via the search bar.

Sponsored stores (or "Shop in Shop")

The integration of sponsored stores on eCommerce platforms has a considerable impact on consumers' buying impulse. In 2023, in a study by Institut Baymard, 49% of Internet users said that the ability to search for products by brand was a determining factor in their purchasing process.5. Similarly, the development of sponsored stores obviously encourages cross-selling, which accounts for between 10% and 30% of eCommerce revenues. Last but not least, sponsored stores increase the possibility of personalizing product recommendations, which are essential to impulse buying. In fact, 49% of consumers claim to have already made an impulse purchase thanks to a personalized recommendation on an eCommerce platform.5.


In 2024, inspiration is one of the key factors in the impulse to buy in eCommerce. In fact, a survey conducted by Olapic showed that 56% of Internet users are more likely to buy a product after seeing it in a positive inspirational image, or one with which they can identify. Similarly, 45% of them consult inspirational images at least once a day.6. When it comes to retailer websites and apps, inspiration obviously translates into culinary power and product use. That's why recipe recommendations, such as those on Mealz, are an essential lever for the impulse to buy on Drive. Offered in dedicated areas, on the shelves and in the search bar, they inspire consumers and simplify their everyday cooking. 

56% of Internet users are more likely to buy a product after seeing it in an inspiration image

End-of-course recommendations

The end of the shopping journey is, of course, an important area for triggering the impulse to buy. In a physical store, this space is located at the head of the gondola near the checkout and at the checkout itself. In eCommerce, retailers can exploit this space by highlighting promotions linked to items in customers' shopping baskets, or by recommending similar products. Similarly, in the case of regular Drive shoppers, retailers can suggest products that they have frequently purchased in the past, or that are part of their regular shopping list.


While impulse buying is not yet part of drive-thru shoppers' habits, retailers and brands have a number of ways of implementing it. They can effectively dramatize impulse through innovative formats, such as recipes, and relevant product recommendations throughout the consumer's buying journey. 

To trigger impulse on your groceries site, discover Mealz' solution

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