White paper: Contextual online commerce

Chrystelle Prévots Lozowski
Chrystelle Prévots Lozowski
January 18, 2024
10 min.
White paper: Contextual online commerce

What is contextual commerce?

Contextual commerce is an area of online sales that aims to offer a product or service to potential customers at the most appropriate places and times. On digital platforms, data collection and analysis isnecessary to accurately target the most relevant content to the intended users.

Why is contextual online commerce on the rise?

- By 2026, e-commerce sales should reach 25% of market share 

- 71% of consumers expect personalized experiences when shopping online

- 76% are frustrated when they don't get a personalized experience

- 80% of users say they would recommend to a friend or family member a store that offered them a personalized experience.

Developing a personalized approach to e-commerce to meet consumers' expectations is therefore becoming a necessity for companies. However, creating an ultra-personalized user journey presents a number of challenges. In this white paper, we analyze the benefits and challenges of contextual online commerce. 

To find out more, read our white paper on Contextual Commerce.

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